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25 February 2018

What are the fundamental problems of economic organization? How these problems can be solved?

One of the key words in the definition of the term ‘economics’ is coordination. Coordination can mean many things. In the study of economics, coordination refers to how the three central problems facing any economy are solved. These central problems are:-

(i) What to produce
(ii) How to produce
(iii) For whom to produce

We explain below these problems in some detail.

(i) What to produce: The first major decision relates to the quantity and the range of goods to be produced. Since resources are limited, we must choose between different alternative collection of goods and service may be produced. It also implies the allocation of resources between the different types of goods e. g. consume goods and capital goods. Our wants are unlimited but resources are limited. So a society can not produce any amount of goods. Here it is necessary to determine what to produce and how much to be produced.  
(ii) How to produce: We know resources are limited. This means with what combination of resources a society decides to produce goods. A combination of resource (or factors) implies a technique of production. Usually, there are various alternative techniques of producing a commodity and the society has to choose among them, each technique using a different combination of resources like labor and capital.
For instance, cotton cloth can be produced with either hand looms or power looms or atomic looms. Production with technique of hand looms involves the use of more labor relatively to capital and therefore represents a labor intensive technique. On the other hand, the production of cloth with automatic looms of the modern textile mills involves use of more capital relative to labor and hence represents a capital-intensive technique of production.  

 (iii) For whom to produce: This means how  the national product is to be distributed among the members of the society. Who should be get how much. This is the problem of the sharing of the national product. Solution of this problem depends of different economic system.

The central problems are solved by two main methods. These are –
(a) Market or price mechanism
(b) Adoption of economic planning

(a) Market or price mechanism: The first method is to solve these problems through market or price mechanism. That is, what goods are to be produced and what quantities, which methods for production are to be employed for the production of goods and how the output is to be distributed, should be decided by the free play of the forces of demand and supply. This method of solving these central problems through forces of demand and supply is used by a free-enterprise capitalist economy.  

(b) Adoption of economic planning: The second method which can be employed to solve the central problems is the adoption of economic planning. In this method, the solution of the various basic problems is not achieved through the free working of demand for and supply of goods and factors. But to solve these problems, Government sets up a central planning names, such as planning commission, planning ministry or planning board. This method of solving the central problems through the use of economic planning had been adopted in the former communist countries such as Soviet Russia, Poland, etc.

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