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09 March 2018

Describe the two measurement method of utility

There are two measurement method of utility:
(i) Cardinal measurement
(ii) Ordinal measurement

(i) Cardinal measurement: The basic concept in cardinal measurement approach is that the utility of a good can be measure in that the utility of a good can be measure in monetary units by the amount of money offered for a commodity.
For example, utility derived from the consumption of a glass of milk 3 units. Under cardinal utility measurement the consumption of goods and services providing higher satisfaction are accorded higher units.

From the table and the graph we see that the consumer consume 1st, 2nd, 3rd units of a good he gets the utility about 10tk, 8tk, 6tk which is measured by cardinally.

(ii) Ordinal measurement: The basic concept of ordinal measurement approach is that the utility cannot be measured by numerically instead a consumer can ranked different baskets or bundle so as to choose the best basket.
For example: A glass of milk is ranked first while a glass of soda is ranked 2nd. Under ordinal utility the consumption of goods and services providing higher satisfaction are accorded higher ranks. By indifferences curve ordinal measurement can be showed by graph.

From the graph we see that the higher indifference curve IC3 denotes the higher satisfaction. So we can say that ordinals IC3 > IC2 > IC1 denotes the level of satisfaction of a consumer by ordinal. 

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