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28 April 2018

State the different types of Inflation Or, Classification of Inflation

Types of inflation:

(i) According to causes or reasons:
(a) Currency induced inflation
(b) Credit induced inflation
(c) Wage induced inflation
(d) Profit induced inflation
(e) Deficit induced inflation
(f) Demand pull inflation
(g) Cost push inflation
(ii) According to base on speed of increase price level:
(a) Mild inflation
(b) Walking inflation
(c) Hyper inflation or Galloping inflation
(iii) According to Control base:
(a) Open inflation
(b) Suppressed inflation

(iv) According to Keynes:
(a) True inflation
(b) Partial inflation

(v) According to Expectation base:
(a) Expected inflation
(b) Unexpected inflation 

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