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25 February 2018

Discuss the main functional units of a digital computer

Functional units:

Basic functional units of a computer

Input device: Input unit receive both data and program statements to function properly and be able to solve problems feeding data and programs.
Example: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner.

Memory unit: It store programs and data two classes of storage, primary storage and secondary storage. Faster programs must be stored in memory while they are being executed large number of semiconductor storage cells processed in words address RAM and memory access time memory hierarchy cache, main memory secondary storage larger and cheaper.

CPU: The brain of a computer system is the central processing unit (CPU). Computer center of the system processes data transferred to it from one to various input devices consists of a control section an arithmetic logic section and an internal storage section central processing unit.

ALU: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) most computer operations are executed in ALU. Perform all arithmetic calculation and take logical decisions. Tests various conditions encountered during processing and takes action based on the result.

Control Unit: Control unit all computer operation is controlled by the control unit. The control section directs the flow of traffic and data.

Output Devices: Output devices connect information coming from a computer system into some form perceptible by human.

Example: Monitor. 

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